Otter Pandemonium

I took Addie for a walk along the creek this morning earlier than usual. I am so glad I did because I finally got to see an otter in the creek!

I had seen a large disturbance in the water on the way out but could not see what made it. On the way back I saw another and got lucky enough to see the otter’s head pop out of the water. It was an adult, and seemed quite large to me.

It was hunting through the water and then it flushed out a female wood duck. She flopped about on the water and scooted away, all the while squawking loudly. The otter went straight after her. She kept moving away, including flying short distances. I had to run(carrying Addie, who had spotted the otter)to keep up as the otter was moving extremely fast! I got really good looks at the otter swimming and running through the shallows. This went on for a few minutes and then the wood duck took off and flew far up the creek. The otter finally stopped and disappeared from my view.

A few minutes after that the wood duck soared along the creek and went back to where the chase began. Was she trying to lead the otter away from ducklings or her nest? There was a wood duck with ducklings in the creek last year. I don’t know. It was certainly quite a show!

There was a female or immature damselfly cruising through my yard and I was able to get pics when it landed on my Salvia “Amistad”. I could not get the eyes to come into focus but it let me get pretty close.

This is quite a beautiful and floriferous salvia. One of my favorites!

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